TIEDUSTELUT, ILMOITTAUTUMISET: 08.01.2018 mennessä Asko Rasinen – 0400 444 779 asko.rasinen@kolumbus.fi
TIEDUSTELUT, ILMOITTAUTUMISET: 08.01.2018 mennessä Asko Rasinen – 0400 444 779 asko.rasinen@kolumbus.fi
Here is the latest schedule – tämä on viimeinen päivitetty aikataulu
Please check the schedule below (also as an attachment). You will also find the list of the players and their registered events in another attached pdf-document. Please check carefully that it is correct – and if any comments please send as soon as possible by email: helsinki.junior.open@gmail.com (Asko Rasinen +358400444 for text messages)
Some of the girls events will be combined to provide a maximum amount of good matches.
Welcome to Helsinki Junior Open 2017
Dear friends,
Thank you for your quick comments and letting us know that you would be very, very disappointed if the we would cancel tournament.
We have taken your wishes into concern and will organize the tournament. So we would like to confirm that the tournament will be organized. Based on the number of registrations we will be able to organize it in one day – that will leave you Sunday for other activities.
We are presently looking at the schedules and maybe some categories need to be combined to allow everybody the maximum possible amount of matches. We will inform about the details in the next couple days.
Thank you very much for your patience. And we apologize if we caused any inconvenience to you. We will do our best to make the tournament a good experience to everybody.
We will extend the dead line for registrations until Friday the 19th of May to accommodate any additional players that might be interested to come.
Please reconfirm your participation by replying to this email as soon as possible.
Welcome to Helsinki
Viimeiset hetket ilmoittautua kurssille. Kurssi on hyvinkin vaativa, joten kokeneemmatkin kilpailugurut ja sääntöekspertit saattavat saada uutta tietoa ja vastauksia ”kinkkisiin kysymyksiin” säännöistä ja kilpailujen järjestämisestä. Ilmoittautumiset – puhelin Asko Rasinen 0400 444 779 – sähköposti asko.rasinen@kolumbus.fi