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Finlandia Junior Open

The results are here, separately for the cup stages and all group results in a single document.

”Arvonnat” is Finnish for ”Draws” while ”Tulokset” is Finnish for ”Results”.  

The organisers wish to thank warmly everybody who participated in the competition.

Competition format info

Girls finals and consolation were played as single groups. Girls-12 played as a single round-robin competition (all-play-all) with no consolation. In boys’ competitions, the  best two from the initial groups qualified for the cup stage and the rest qualified for the consolation competition.  Consolation was played with initial groups of three, with the top in each group going to the consolation cup stage.

Please note that for the draw, all competitors who do not yet have a Finnish rating, were given rating points, visible after the competitor in the draw. The given rating points were a rough estimate based on national rating and/or other information given about the player.

The qualification group draw is here : Finlandia-Junior-Open-2022-Draw.pdf and the schedules are here: Finlandia-Junior-Open-2022-Schedules.pdf